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college Prep

We’ll take students from overwhelmed and stressed out to confident and ready to submit applications to their top choice schools that reflect their educational values –
all by the Early Action deadline!
"Before College Prep, I didn't know what colleges prioritized or what I could show for my academic career and what was realistic for me to go for/reach for with applications. Now I feel better, and I'm 15x more prepared for the process."
- former College Prep student
What is college prep for 11th graders / rising 12th? 
  • College Prep is a blend of customized, targeted 1-on-1 coaching sessions and supportive group coaching designed to empower rising seniors in developing a completed college application they are proud of.


  • It's perfect both for students who are new to Empower AND students who are already working with us.










why empower?

We’ve developed this program specifically with our Empower families in mind. After observing & supporting many Empower seniors through the college application process. We’ve learned that:


  • Students assume senior year will be easy – but especially if you’re in IB or AP classes and juggling a part-time job, volunteer work, sports practice, or hobbies, it’s truly not


  • Colleges look for senior year grades that indicate a student is having their best year yet – not coasting


  • Students who try to also engage in a rigorous college application process struggle to make it all work


You know that at Empower we are big believers in empowerment, peace, and thoughtfulness, so we’ve thoughtfully curated a program that brings peace to what can be a stressful process. 


We don’t want our students to feel stretched thin next year.


 Instead, we’ve created a nurturing environment this summer to empower them in completing a college application that they feel proud of, so that in their senior year, they can focus on doing their best – and enjoying their final year of high school with all of the fun and exciting events and memories that brings!



Who is this for?

​This is for rising seniors who:  


  • Want to go to college


  • Are stressed or overwhelmed about the college application process


  • Want to do their best, but not at the expense of their mental health​


  • Are excited about the prospect of being done with their college applicant before senior year begins - the only things left to do will be things they need the school’s help with, like obtaining final rec letters & transcripts!



Who is this not for?​


This program isn’t ideal for students who:


  • Are very set on attending one specific school or are Ivy League or bust; we believe there are tons of amazing colleges, and we love to support students who are applying to Ivy League schools - but not if that is their only goal, and they are unwilling to include at least one less selective college in their list


  • Don't want to do this


  • Are planning to continue working with another college counselor already who has differing values & approaches; this can lead to confusion for the student



The outcome:​​
  • A finished application ready to submit by early action deadlines - without stress!
  • Increased confidence
  • A plan that your child puts into action with ease & mentor support

College Prep provides a stress-free and personalized approach to the college application process. 


Your child will get:


  • Holistic support 


  • Personalized 1:1 College Prep sessions with their assigned coach over the summer (number varies based on package - see below)


  • Small group support calls to help you write your supplemental essays after colleges release the prompts August 1st (number varies based on package - see below)


  • Email updates to family


  • Text/email access to coach between sessions for quick questions & support​


  • Intake assessment to create a customized plan for their success, focusing on topics which the student most needs, such as:


  • Comprehensive college list 


  • Understanding of what colleges are looking for


  • Finalized draft of a college application ready to submit to colleges by the Early Action deadline 


  • Polished college essay 


  • Personalized feedback on school-specific supplemental essays 


  • Financial & scholarship guidance 


  • Senior year academic plan


  • Senior year checklist


  • ACT/SAT planning and guidance 

(Please note: if your child’s main source of prep will be with us or they have not tested before, we highly recommend purchasing the ACT/SAT Add-On Package of 12 dedicated ACT/SAT sessions, which may be delivered by a different coach than your child’s College Prep coach based on specialty. This is to ensure that we can achieve all of the college application outcomes with the time we have available AND do justice to their test prep!)




college prep comprehensive - $3700 

  • Best for students who aren't sure where to start and struggle with follow-through or lots of questions so want extra accountability and support

  • 15 individual 1:1 sessions with assigned coach to plan comprehensively for college and complete application

  • 4 small group sessions to craft supplemental essays in August, September, and October 

  • 3 parent calls with coach

  • Email summaries of sessions sent to family

  • Text/email access to coach for students between sessions

  • Intake assessment to create a customized plan

  • Recommended to start in spring of junior year but can also start in summer 

  • End with a completed application and a clear, comprehensive plan!



college prep EXPRESS - $2000 

  • Best for students who are self-starters and want guidance but have already started the process (ex: have a list of potential colleges already)

  • 8 individual 1:1 sessions with assigned coach to plan comprehensively for college and complete application

  • 2 small group sessions to craft supplemental essays in August & September

  • Email summaries of sessions sent to family

  • Text/email access to coach for students between sessions

  • Intake assessment to create a customized plan

  • Start in summer

  • End with a completed application!


college ESSAY MINI PACKAGE - $800

  • Best for students who want guidance on the essay specifically rather than the entire application

  • 4 individual 1:1 sessions with assigned coach to craft an authentic, powerful college essay or get support on supplemental essays

  • Schedule a consultation call specifically for essays here



who will be my child's coach, and how will they meet them for SESSIONS?


We connect each student with one of our Empower coaches (all former teachers!) who are experienced at helping rising seniors apply to college. We take into consideration your child's specific needs and goals when pairing with one of our coaches. Our coaches are based in Atlanta and Savannah, GA, and they will be meet with your child online -- convenient because they won't be stuck in traffic, and they can still meet with us even while they're traveling this summer!


Book a call with us! We would be happy to answer your questions and share with you how this program will be transformative for your child.



  • COMPREHENSIVE: $3700 for holistic support

    • Option 1: Pay in full up front 

    • Option 2: Pay in 5 installments of $760 each 

  • EXPRESS: $2000 for targeted support

    • Option 1: Pay in full up front​

    • Option 2: Pay in 4 installments of $525​


  • ACT/SAT 12 Hour Add-On is $1800​



We'll send you a custom agreement after payment prior to the the end of the month detailing logistics & policies.


Please note: if you would like to request a personalized payment plan or payment assistance, please contact Caroline at We have carefully and thoughtfully priced this program to reflect the full value of the high quality service delivered, but we are committed to helping our valued families, so please reach out if this is a barrier to registration.




When we asked last year's College Prep students about their results...

100% were accepted to at least one school Early Action

89% were accepted to their top choice school

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