Do you have a rising middle schooler? Are they nervous about the upcoming school year? Would they benefit from small group support around the transition from elementary to middle school?
If you answered yes to any of the questions, then Middle School 101 (MS 101) is the answer you might be seeking! Here, at Empower, we love our summer program - Middle School 101! Each summer, we take rising 6th graders and help them prepare for the upcoming transition into middle school.
Moving from elementary to middle school can often be scary and nerve-racking for students and families. With Empower’s support, students can attest to feeling more prepared, less nervous, and more excited to make the leap!
Before MS 101, our students reported feeling nervous about common concerns, such as…
“Harder math classes”
“Transitioning between classes”
“Being called on”
“Hate being in crowds”
MS 101 is designed with these concerns and more in mind to better support students with the large transition to middle school. Our goal is to make the transition peaceful and reassuring for all of our Empower families.
What does MS 101 look like?
5-day commitment - July 17th-21st
Small group, virtual setting via Zoom
Interactive discussions and activities coupled with real-life scenarios encourage our students to consider how they would handle certain situations
Executive Function supports, specifically involving organization, planning, time management, and navigating school structures
What are the benefits of MS 101?
A solid foundation for navigating middle school
It takes the surprise out of what to expect in middle school
Decreases anxiety and more confidence around this transition
A toolkit of study skills & note-taking skills
Personalized organizational strategy
Who is this program designed for?
MS 101 is designed for rising middle schoolers.
We asked our students, from previous summers, to reflect on the most helpful thing they learned from MS 101... below are some of those responses!
"The most helpful thing I learned this week was how to manage my time using google keep and how CORRECTLY study for a test."
"How to organize homework."
"How to effectively take notes."
If MS 101 sounds like a good fit for you and your family, please enroll your rising middle schooler now!
The deadline to enroll in MS 101 is July 7th, 2023!